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Tmk Artrom
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Tmk Artrom
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0 stars: Fara rating 10 pareri
#1597 din 1597 de Companii din Produse Feroase & Neferoase
Membru Gratuit din 2011
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Tmk Artrom Tmk Artrom 0249436862 Draganesti, Str. 30, Slatina, Olt
Produse si servicii

pipe manufacturer, seamless pipes for industrial applications, including for the mechanical engineering and automotive industry

Tipul companiei


Piata de desfacere


Nr. angajati

peste 1000

Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2011!
TMK-Artrom has today an important share of the European market for industrial seamless pipes representing mechanical pipes, hydraulic cylinders, automotives and energetically pipes.

More than 80% of the plant's output is intended for sales outside of Romania, mainly within other EU countries, the USA, and Canada.

TMK-Artrom is one of Europe's largest producers of industrial seamless pipes.

Din Gura in Gura